Upper Body Sculpt
I love doing this upper body burn on Friday. Finish the workout and you will see why.

Complete the following:
Set a timer for 30 seconds (interval timer 5 sec. rest) get in as many reps as you can (repeat 3x)
3 Way Tricep Pulls
Lat Pull Down
Overhead tricep extension
Single-arm shoulder press
Lateral Raises
Front Raises
Bent-over Row
Elbow Kiss & Press
Wide - Narrow Push-Ups
Bicep Burnout 7x7
Roll your shoulders back and down. Be sure you know how to pack your scapula and have nice upper body posture before lifting anything.
Stop using your neck.
Shorten the time or lengthen it depending on your fitness level. I like 30 seconds because I know I won't compromise my form.
Breathe. When you lift the weight breathe out and slowly breathe in when you lower the weight back down.
For an extra challenge, add weight to any of these movements WITH the band.
Turn up the music and have some fun!